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PJS #020: 💥 Roadmap to Success: Step 3 - Decide on the Right Action Steps & Do Them!

Christie Varner

Ready for Success? Break it Down!

If that doesn't take ya back to MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This" - then go watch that video now. It'll make ya laugh, tap your toes & remember this step on the Roadmap to Success!

Now that you’ve:

✅ Defined your custom future vision of success (Successful Me)

✅ Determined where your business is right now

We are on to Part 3 of the Roadmap to Success. This is where it gets fun as we Decide on Action Steps for Success! And then DO them!

5 Simple Steps to Decide on Action Steps for Success...& Do Them!

Step 1: Bring Successful Me a little closer

The custom Vision of Success you created may be 5 years away.

Let’s focus on one year from now. Answer this question (that I learned from a coach years ago & still use all the time with clients):

If you called me 1 year from today and said,

“Christie, this last year has been fantastic,”

what would you tell me about your business & life?

I bet you have some immediate thoughts. And more will come.

But what would make you say this year has been amazing? Think about it & write it down. You’ll probably come back to add more to it later.

Step 2: Zoom in to 12 Weeks from Now

Next, decide on 1-3 goals to accomplish in the next 12 weeks that’ll move you closer to that 1 year conversation with me. 🙂

These need to be SMART goals, my friend:

Specific (so we know exactly what we want to accomplish)

Measurable (if we can’t measure, we don’t know if we got there)

Achievable (don’t make it easy, but it does need to be achievable)

Relevant (to your vision of success)

Time-bound (can be achieved in next 12 weeks)


1. Get out a blank piece of paper & go ahead and write down SMART goals that you could accomplish in 12 weeks. Come up with lots of ideas and write them all down. (They don’t have to be perfect. We will do this 12 week planning again…in 12 more weeks!)

2. Now it’s time to pick. No more than 3 goals to work on in the next 12 weeks. I am not kidding. No more than 3. Just choose some.

Step 3: Brainstorm Action Steps

Imagining your vision of success is enjoyable, right?

But if we don’t do the work, take the actions to get there, it remains just a nice dream.

Now that you have these 1-3 SMART goals of what you want to accomplish these next 12 weeks:

1. For your first goal, brainstorm all the actions you can think of to accomplish it. Don’t evaluate if they're good or not. Just write and write and write. All the ideas. Ask your business partner or friends for their ideas too if you want.

2. Now do this again with the other goal or two.

3. After you've finished, say aloud "how can I achieve XXX goal in the next 12 weeks."

4. And now walk away & give it time to work. It will. What this does is train your subconscious mind to solve this problem for you. Get prepared because new ideas WILL pop up when you’re not thinking about this.

Step 4: Choose your Action Steps

Review all the ideas you have written down for each goal & choose the 3-5 action steps that are SMART and most likely to have an impact on moving you toward achieving that one year from now conversation with me!

Write down each of those action steps under each goal along with the due date or frequency you’ll do them.

Step 5: Get going!

Now it’s time to goooooo! You need to TAKE ACTION and TRACK RESULTS.

This doesn't happen on accident so make it happen. Calendar the actions. Communicate them. Set yourself up for success - because this goal matters to you!

At the beginning of each week, look at your results from the previous week (which you tracked!) to see:

❓ Did I execute?

❓ Does it seem to be moving me toward my goal?

❓ What needs to change this week to improve my performance?

❓ What insights have I gleaned from this week?

And this is how we do it….(yes I sang that! Did you?)


1. Success doesn’t just happen. You need a vision, a starting point & a plan to get there. Along with a rerouting plan for detours.

2. Break down your vision of success into what success in 1 year would look like.

3. Decide on 1-3 SMART goals for the next 12 weeks

4. Decide on 3-5 action steps to support each goal

5. Gooooo & doooooo - take action & track results

- - - - -

Next week, we’ll talk about what happens when you hit roadblocks and detours on this roadmap to success. Because you will. So we plan for it in advance. All good.

It’s part 4 in our 4 part Roadmap to Success.

❓ Are you tracking along on this Roadmap to Success? Have you done parts 1 and 2 yet? If not, go back and read them & do them (in links below for ya!).

The only way to turn a dream into a reality is to take action. Let’s gooooo!

Reply & let me know how it’s going. I’m here creating my own goals and action plans alongside you. Because this works, my friend.

Get out your calendar and map out those 12 weeks. Set some weekly dates with yourself to track your progress.

See ya next week, my friend!

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Want to create your own Custom Roadmap to Success with my help? Let's talk about doing that. Schedule here.

2. Ready to have your stress melt away & replace it with peace of mind & confidence? Schedule a call to see if we'd be a good fit to work together. I have availability for a few additional clients.

3. Want more like this? I post on LinkedIn every weekday at 7:15a CST. I'd love to connect. Find me here, {first_name}!

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